Tuesday, May 02, 2006

NeverWinter Nights 2, IGN update

If your unaware Atari is letting Obsidian Entertainment make Neverwinter Nights 2 which is actually a branch of Bioware. IGN was there at a pre E3 meeting (lucky) to talk about the upcoming title. Apparently Obsidian took some of the KOTOR2 ideas of influencing your companions towards good and evil and are putting it into NWN2, which should be interesting. The game does look alot better than the original (but of course). Some things added to the game will appeal to the od fans, such as just clicking on the compainions name will allow you to control them. Alot of the same ideas apply from the first one, D&D rules, Customizing charaters, All the same races, and sub races as well as putting a bit of background behind your character depending on your race and allignment. In my opinion the engine looks like Starwars Galaxies if it was made today, Visually it's appealing for todays standerds but could be alot more but no one is complaining. They also have isometric view (though its fully 3D) and then World Of Warcraft kind of view as they described it. So incase you didn't know there is a teeny update on NWN2 hopefully it will be good as the last one and they also have full Mod support just like the orginal.
Source:for and pictures and videos go to the source!


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