Thursday, July 21, 2005

GTA:San Andreas - Hot Coffee is just to hot

Yesterday the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) changed Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas From M (mature) to AO (Adults only). Pressure from Politicians and groups against GTA: San Andreas meant that the game went from M to AO quickly. Also note that Walmart does not carry AO games so of course that’s probably why Rockstar Halted production of the AO version immediately and will begin production of the new one edited of course which will come out in the fall.

This was a "Good Move" in my standing by the ESRB because of the pressure on GTA right now. Though the content is completely un-accessible by any means of playing you can use the Hot Coffee Mod for the Playstaion version I believe to unlock the hidden game that has sparked the investigation and rating change.

In my personal Opinion I believe that either; A) Rockstar truly accidentally left the content in to get the game out there to consumers or B) Saw into the future through a crystal ball and figured that it might bring it more fame if there perhaps was a controversy over it. All in all it is settled now and there will be a new version coming out soon enough and they are going to make sure that there is no Extra Cutting room floor material left over.

Of course 25 to life Developed by Avalanche Software, LLC. Published by Eidos has quietly delayed there game back a few months probably do the heat from politicians on games. Though there was a reason the ESRB is there and they can never do anything about it unless of course the game content changes like in GTA: San Andreas.

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