Sunday, April 30, 2006

Wii Think it's going to be big

If know one knew, Nintendo decided to divide up the Kodak Theater for there E3 debue this year into Sections by naming the sections thinks relating to Nintendo games. Some tickets have Hyrule on them while others say Yoshi's Island and very special one says Mushroom Kingdom. Why might you ask? Well back in December on IGN forums someone posted a topic titled Kodak Theater = Mushroom Kingdom, the post went on to talk about plans from Nintendo and the person writing wouldn't release how he knew all this information but said that we could probably guess. The post was quickly deleated and thought of as a fake untill recently. As you can already tell the name of the forum clearly shows that this person has some inside information wheather it's all true or not is yet to be seen. The post was latter dug up and here is what it had to say.

"I have followed the rumors and speculation on this board regarding Nintendo’s “Revolution” since its inception.

It is at times torturous to see the most dedicated base of any gaming company have to resort to gossip and guesses as to what to expect from Nintendo’s next generation offering.

It is for this reason that I have decided to share.

I cannot offer anything to you in terms of my identity. I cannot offer anything in the way of proving what I am saying to you is factual. However, you will ultimately find that you need not worry who I am, for all I say will come to pass. But I suspect you know my name…

So here’s the scoop. I’m tired of watching you beautiful fans endure the torture of knowing so little, so I will share with you enough to help you understand the magnitude of what’s coming without saying enough to reveal who I am.

I’ll say this before I begin spilling the proverbial beans. Remember 1985? Remember when saying “Nintendo” meant video games in general? This is what Nintendo is aiming to recapture, and believe me, they will!

Let’s start with a question:1.

Why have we yet to see even a glimpse of what a “Revolution” game will look like?Most seem to assume this is because Nintendo does not want the focus of their next generation games to be on their graphics. This is not entirely wrong, just a little uninformed. That being said, the graphics are essentially the same as a souped up Xbox. What you all are ignoring is that the graphics for the Xbox360 are arguably only the same as a souped up Xbox as well. Graphically, in terms of traditional graphics, the systems are equal. In terms of presentation, you will be astonished by what the Revolution holds, and it is indeed the final secret Mr. Miyamoto hinted at. Prepare to see games in a way you never imagined, and you don’t need a silly helmet or visor to experience it. As a matter of fact, a video demonstration of what “Revolution” can do circulated the internet weeks or months before E3, and then conspicuously disappeared. Such a sneaky little box! I’ll leave the rest to you!

Well…I can’t resist.

A final hint…

Think hard about the controller and what type of graphical presentation would suit it best! It’s so easy! Oh, and the controller is indeed meant to attract the casual gamer, because they'll so badly want to experience what they're seeing!

2. “Use the right side of your brain!”As many of you have correctly stated, the right side of your brain is the creative side. So what was Reggie hinting at? Again, it’s so easy I don’t need to say it! You’re given all of the components you need, and some general structure. The rest my friends, is up to you!

3. Indeed a revolution, but in code name only. It’s 1985 all over again…

4. Wi-Fi will open doors you never would have predicted. It’s all so obvious though if you think about it, but it’s so hard for me to say without saying too much! If you’ve figured out what I’ve already hinted at, picture how the ability to download monthly offerings will that much more enhance your experience!

5. The Classics.Many for free just for joining…one free a month…Itunes pricing per each additional first party title. Third parties will bundle 3-5 each with a new game purchase.

6. The price is right…you’ll just have to trust me!

7. Kodak Theater = Mushroom Kingdom!

I’ve said enough. What I’ve shared should be enough to get you all cooled down a bit.Never underestimate Nintendo."

In one of the comment's it was posted that this might be the video that the poster was talking about.

I can't even possible start to speculate what this might mean for the Wii but we will find out shortly since E3 kicks off on the May 9th. Hope to bring you more information soon



Wii Understand Nintendo

Well If you haven't heard already Nintendo's Codename "Revolution" console has finally been given a proper name. Wii pronounced like We not Why which what I heard alot of people calling it. I have read alot of newspapers and alot of articles talking about this name some game sites and blog sites which hosted plenty of information about other games and what's going on in the media have been blogged full of Nintendo's Wii. Alot of people don't like it and thought that "Revolution" was its official name but it's not and wont be. Most people were happy with the name though I can say personally that "Revolution" was a good name but Wii is very Nintendo Name. Though I am not sure why they are going with the whole i thing. ("iPod""intell Viiv"). The name is pefect as far as I am concerned and Nintendo said boldly when they first annouced it that it will stay as Wii, I think they understand that is sounds a bit wierd at first but Wii think it will grow on Nintendo Fans.