Sunday, January 15, 2006

Xbox vs Revolution vs PS3

About a month ago there was a post on engadget about the price of the revolution being below $300 dollars and there was alot of argument out there and still is about these 3 consoles. I have studied the specs and wasn't there but might as well been since I watched the entire E3 show and learned all the specs of these systems. So I have come up with some predictions on the console war and I can't take sides untill the system's are competely done with in order to say which one is the best.

Aight well most of you are looking at the shear raw power of the xbox 360 and PS3 Might I remind everyone that, that power is still untapped. Ya sure there will be alot of sequals coming out for the xbox 360 and PS3 but that will be almost it. Why might you ask? How about the fact your programming for 3 multithreaded Processors or a Cell Processor with 7 Threads. I am not saying that it's not possible but I would think and I am sure we will see alot of New Titles come out for the revolution because it doesn't try anything Insane, when I first heard of the Xbox 360 and PS3's Power behind It I was in amazment also but let's face the fact's that with that much power and well since it's never been really done before we can be sure for a ride of Unpredictability.

Everything I have seen launch for the Xbox 360 really hasn't impressed me at all, Perfect Dark Look's really no better than an Xbox Game.I know some might think otherwise but if you look deep inside you will realize that there is nothing Amazing about it's Graphics. And Microsoft Even said the games coming out for the Xbox 360 with launch will not harness the full power of the xbox 360. Coupled with the problem on launch and the somewhat High price well what can I say it seem's as though Microsoft and Sony have Overstepped a bit. They brought to much unharnessed power to the market and the PS3 is so expensive I don't know who will be able to afford it on launch except those who save specifically for it or have plenty of extra Cash. Nintendo on the other hand has stuck with Awesome Power that they can use and because there not trying anything diffrent game developers will be able to create games easier quicker and look good for the Revolution. The thing is only time will tell exactly what will happen but I am sure that Nintend will debut perhaps before or after PS3 doesn't matter the games will look amazing and we might see some Awesome new titles come to the System. Plus coupling of the new controller brings all kinds of amazing new idea's for game developers. I think what we will see is Sony competely dropping out of the whole thing because to expensive system there profits are constantly low lately and the PSP isn't really doing as well as they would have hoped. So I am pretty sure you will see em drop out, I would be suprised if they didn't.Though Microsoft is trigger happy and brought the system out with more power than most people can harness I think they have a good fan base and good foothold in the gaming market to make it to the next Console war.

As for Nintendo, well they have been hear for a long time as despite what most people think there going to be hear for a while longer. Nintendo Didn't try to buy into making a system with more power then they could harness so they setteled for Tommorow's technology instead of trying to re-invent tommorow's technology by making have more power than is possible to use. The only thing that I don't know how it will do is the Controller, it seems like an amazing idea and yet I don't know how it will do. I just know that Nintendo was successfull for all these years and I am sure they will be succesfull for the years to come. The price they have set with coupled with everything else will surely make this console a winner in the war Microsoft Kicked off in November.

Like I said above I hope that revolution controller is good because alot of people are counting on it. I think that that comic is pretty much shows you exactly what is going through every nintendo fan's mind.

- Lenbot